New Art work for Pinjarra Rotary Art Show

Have just completed a work for the upcoming Rotary Art show in a weekends time. Titled "Rest", it is a local scene on a farm nearby to home. The owners were kind enough to let me get some resource material to create the work. I have moved into adding touches of watercolor to my pen and ink works. Just warms up the scene and gives a hint of the colours in the scene. The reproduction here doesn't do the colours justice but'll get the idea. 'Rest' - McLartys Farm Pinjarra. April/May 2011 Pen, Ink and Watercolour.650mmx580mm Also can be viewed at: or at the Rotary Art Show, Pinjarra on the Long Weekend June 5,6,7 2011 Pleasing Result from show - This work sold on First night and I received best Local Artist Award.