Exhibition weekend.

The 95% completed module at the Exhibition.

The Exhibition has come and gone. Very successful weekend. Over 22 000 people came through the gates. Here is a sneak peek video of how it looked and ran. It's better to view this at full screen resolution via the Youtube link.

I will now endeavor to post up all the construction details and photos for those who are interested over the next weeks or so. So visit regularly to see how it all came together. Can't wait to get it more than 95% complete by adding in all those unfinished details and replanting the trees after the transport back from the exhibition. And a few more stills....
Looking down through the trees to the artists studio and residence.

The passenger combine rolling on through.

The crowd taking in the scene...the kids and adults reactions were very favorable.

The Garages workshop being put to good use and the pooches being entertained.

The late afternoon glow.


  1. Nice work, service station/oil depot looks great.

  2. Absolutely amazing!! No wonder you got the award.Can't wait to see it in the flesh.


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